Full support - also after the trade
When you buy a Vitra, you buy a tool carrier with one of the longest service intervals on the market.
On the standard machine, you can run a full 500 hours or up to a whole year between each service visit.
When it is time for service, great service friendliness is taken into consideration in the design of the machine.
There is always a local dealer near you who is ready to service you and your Vitra.
For us, it is important that the customer has full support - even after the trade.
Full support - also after the trade
When you buy a Vitra, you buy a tool carrier with one of the longest service intervals on the market.
På standardmaskinen kan du nemlig køre helt op til 500 timer eller op til et helt år mellem hvert servicebesøg.
When it is time for service, great service friendliness is taken into consideration in the design of the machine.
There is always a local dealer near you who is ready to service you and your Vitra.
For us, it is important that the customer has full support - even after the trade.

There is always a Vitra service partner near you
I samarbejde med vores stærke forhandlerteam kan vi tilbyde servicepartnere
fordelt over hele landet. Der er derfor altid en forhandler nær dig som står klar
når service af din Vitra eller tilhørende redskab er påkrævet.
Alle vores forhandlere er nøje udvalgte og har alle gennemgået intensiv
oplæring i Vitra inden de selv tager over som autoriseret servicepartner.
– men de er aldrig helt alene.
They always have full support from us here at the factory - both with technical
assistance, ongoing training, and direct access to online spare parts ordering
and fast expedition, so you and your Vitra, fast are running again.
..and service pays off
For if the prescribed service intervals are met, by an authorized service partner and with original spare parts, the factory provides a 2-year warranty on the machine and a full 5-year warranty on the powertrain up to a maximum of 2500 operating hours.
Vitra, with its flexibility and superior strength, is the perfect multi-machine for all work tasks - all year round. So why have one machine for each seasonal task, when you can easily handle them all with a Vitra?
Vitra's universal mounting systems ensure easy and fast mounting of the many
attachment options so there is virtually no task Vitra cannot solve!